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Støt min tjeneste...

I YWAM arbejder alle ulønnet, og stoler istedet på at Gud vil forsørge gennem menigheder og venner, som har lyst til at stå med som økonomiske missions partnere. Det er en noget anderledes måde at leve på, og gør mig dybt afhængig af Gud og hans venner på Jorden.


Med andre ord, så er dette en invitation og mulighed for dig til at deltage i min tjeneste. Det kan være i form af et engangsbeløb eller ved at blive en månedlig støttepartner.

Har du lyst til at være med til at holde mig gående og flyvende, da modtages små som store gaver med stort tak!


All YWAM staff are volunteer workers and have to pay their own way for living and ministry related expenses. God has shown his faithfulness in many ways, by providing financial support through home churches, networks of friends and supporters. 

In other words, this is an invitation and opportunity for you to participate in my vision and mission. 

Please contact me if you would like to become a regular monthly ministry partner.
One-time gifts are also most welcome, and can be paid via one of below options. 

Thank you for every gift, small or large … it all helps reaching wider and further!


Mange bække små....


m skattefradrag


Reg. nr. 9070 Konto 9491912747 
mrk “Projekt 23 / dit navn og CPR nr” 
*Send mig gerne en besked, hvis du benytter denne konto.  


Konto: 8570 06139450 mrk "Projekt 5117 / dit navn og CPR nr"
*Missionsfonden videregiver dit navn & adr. til mig.  



MobilePay: 535456 mrk "dit navn og CPR nr" 
Gaver sendt går udelukkende til rejseudgifter.

6063 3087 (uden fradrag)

w tax receipt

If you live in the US, you can make a tax-deductible donation. YWAM Tyler will mail you a tax receipt.

Online donation with creditcardClick here

Checks: Please make checks payable to “YWAM” (please don’t write my name on the check, but attach a separate note requesting the donation go to: Tove Poulsen)

Mail to: Accounting Department, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000 If you would like to use a “Bill Payment” service or donate by “Automatic Withdrawal” (AWD) from your bank, then please contact me and I will email you the details.



Sparebanken Sør 3000 22 14683


Donate with creditcard via PayPal from anywhere

"The more we touch the intimate love of God which creates, sustains, and guides us, the more we recognize the multitude of fruits that come forth from that love." 

Henri J. M. Nouwen, 
The Spirituality of Fundraising
About Me
Tove 2023.jpg

I work full­time as a volunteer with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). YWAM is one of the biggest Christian missions movements in the world, here my focus is on: 

  • Teaching and development with
    University of the Nations (UofN)

  • Equipping of leaders

  • Leadership and coordination in Europe

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© 2019 by Tove Kirkebye Poulsen created with

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