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Indsamling til Tove

29 marts - 28 marts 2025

Fundraiser for Tove

29 March  -  28 Marts 2025


Curt Arne Andreassen: 

"Tove har igennem 33 år arbejdet på fuld tid i Youth With A Mission. Hun har arbejdet med undervisning og ledelse nationalt og internationalt. 

Hun har inspireret og uddannet mange unge og voksne til at tage ansvar og bidrage aktivt til det samfund, vi lever i – med særligt fokus på at vores samfund fortsat skal afspejle kristne værdier, det er bygget på.


Tove har ikke fået løn eller optjent pension i de 33 år, men levet af gaver fra mennesker, der har set vigtigheden af hendes arbejde og ønsket at støtte det.


Formålet med at indsamle en hædersgave til hende er, at hun som andre, der har arbejdet hårdt og professionelt igennem 33 år, skal have mulighed for at købe sig en bolig og forberede sin tredje alder.

Hjerteligt tak, for små som store gaver!

Initiativtager og ven: Curt Arne Andreassen
Tag kontakt, hvis du har nogen spørgsmål: 

Initiativet er godkendt af indsamlingsnævnet:



Curt Arne Andreassen:

"For 33 years, Tove has worked full-time with Youth With A Mission. She has worked with teaching and leadership nationally and internationally.

She has inspired and educated many young people and adults to take responsibility and contribute actively to the society we live in - with a particular focus on ensuring that our society must continue to reflect the Christian values ​​it is built on.


Tove has not received a salary or accrued pension in those 33 years, but lived on donations from people who saw the importance of her work and wanted to support it.

The purpose of collecting an honorary gift for her is that she, like others who have worked hard and professionally for 33 years, should have the opportunity to buy a home and prepare for her third age."


Thank you very much, for small and large gifts a like."

Initiative by friend: Curt Arne Andreassen
Please contact me, should you have any questions: 

This collection has been authorised by the Danish State:


Konto: 5470 kontonr.: 4334985


IBAN Account number:    DK5754700004334985

SWIFT-address/BIC:          NYKBDKKK


Curt Arne Andreassen

Brattvoll Plataa 21

4658 TVEIT


Indsamlingen er godkendt af indsamlingsnævnet:






IBAN Account number:    DK5754700004334985

SWIFT-address/BIC:          NYKBDKKK


Account holder:

Curt Arne Andreassen

Brattvoll Plataa 21

4658 TVEIT





"The more we touch the intimate love of God which creates, sustains, and guides us, the more we recognize the multitude of fruits that come forth from that love." 

Henri J. M. Nouwen, 
The Spirituality of Fundraising
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